Our first priority is the dogs. Whether they love to socialize or prefer alone time, we will make sure they are content. Their time with us will be catered to their needs.
Pricing includes taxes and all your dog’s needs with no surprise add-ons when you get your bill. Whether it’s group play, raw diet or needed medications, it’s all part of their stay.
Our website is interactive so you can easily check for availability and book online, whether planning your holidays or just a day of socializing for your little friend.
Welcome ! We are Robert and Mary-Anne Varga, the proprietors. Our passion for dogs is what inspired Wagtime Kennels. To say we love dogs is an understatement. We currently have three. In order of age, Missy (Golden Retriever), Flynn (street dog), and the “baby” Delilah (Cane Corso).
The design and operation of Wagtime Kennels reflect the way we would like our dogs to be boarded. Our facility has been built for a dogs comfort from the ground up. Our goal was to not just meet, but to exceed all regulations and requirements for dog care. We wanted a clean, safe, loving and happy environment. Wagtime was to be a place we wouldn’t hesitate to board our own pampered pets, a place where a dog can run, join a pack and not worry about dirty paws or barking. A place with lots of scratches and belly rubs. We wanted extra large pens with ample space for pen-sharing if you have more than one dog. We wanted doggie doors with proximity sensors that allow your dog the freedom to come and go, as they please, to large, individual outdoor pens. We wanted heated floors wall to wall to keep puppy paws toasty and dry during the cold months Our building is extremely well insulated to keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It also keeps the thunder out at night if there’s a storm. We have four large fenced play yards for group play. We live here on the property so there is always someone on premise with your dog. Our team will ensure your pet will receive constant human contact. No one will ever be left out of playtime unless that’s what they prefer. You will have peace of mind knowing your pet will be happy and well taken care of but don’t take our word for it, read our testimonials.
For a quick view of the facility drop by between 8-10 am or 4-6 pm any day of the week. For a full tour please call us to set up an appointment. We would love to show you around!
We are centrally located just outside Breslau to easily serve Cambridge, Kitchener, Guelph and Waterloo. We are also about ten minutes from the Waterloo International Airport for true convenience when going on a trip.
When we began building in 2014 we started a Facebook page, Wagtime Kennels, so we could keep people informed on how we were progressing. We also have an Instagram account. We use those as a tool so you can see the facility and check on how your dog is doing throughout their stay. Pictures are uploaded as quickly as possible, when we aren’t playing with dogs. If you do not see your dog on FB, check Instagram. Not all dogs are in both. We are also able to send video or pictures of your dog via phone or e-mail personally, if you just need an update. Our hope is that this gives you comfort while you are away from your precious companion.